Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Kelas : 6A / 8.15-9.15 / SN
Theme : Food Preservation
Topic : Mighty Microbes
Learning Objectives : At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
• Describe what spoilt food is.
• Identify characteristics of spoilt food.
• State that microorganisms can spoil food.
Learning Activities :
1) Elicits pupils’ prior knowledge about their experiences with spoilt food.
2) Discussion on the characteristics of spoilt food.
3) Pridict the effect of eating spoilt food.
4) Identify the type of microorganisms observed on some of this food.
5) Name examples of high risk food as they can readily support the growth of microorganisms.

Kelas : 6C / 10.45-11.45 / SN
Theme : Food Preservation
Topic : Mighty Microbes
Learning Objectives : At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
• Describe what spoilt food is.
• Identify characteristics of spoilt food.
• State that microorganisms can spoil food.
Learning Activities :
1) Elicits pupils’ prior knowledge about their experiences with spoilt food.
2) Discussion on the characteristics of spoilt food.
3) Pridict the effect of eating spoilt food.
4) Identify the type of microorganisms observed on some of this food.
5) Name examples of high risk food as they can readily support the growth of microorganisms.

Kelas 6C / Masa 11.15-11.45 / KT
Tajuk Kegiatan Ekonomi Dan Lokasi
Sub-Tajuk Perlombongan
Objektif Selepas pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapar:
• Menyenaraikan mineral yang dilombong di darat dan di dasr laut.
• Menamakan lokasi perlombongan mineral di negara kita.
• Menyenaraikan pusat pemprosesan petroleum dan gas asli.
ABM Borang pengurusan grafik, Peta, Buku teks
Aktiviti 1. Mencari maklumat tentang kawasan perlombongan di negara kita (BT hlm. 26-27).
2. Menyenaraikan nama-nama mineral tersebut.
3. Mengkaji peta kawasan perlombongan yang terdapat di negara kita.
4. Menamakan lokasi dan mineral yang dilombong di kawasan tersebut.

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