Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Kelas / Masa / MP 4E / 7.45-8.15 / PJK
Tajuk : Kecergasan Fizikal
Sub-Tajuk: Daya Tahan Kardiovaskular
Objektif :
• Melakukan sekurang-kurangnya 3 daripada 5 aktiviti daya tahan kardiovaskular dalam tempoh masa sekurang-kurangnya 4 minit dengan betul dan selamat.
• Menyatakan cara mengira kadar nadi sebelum dan selepas bersenam.
ABM: Skital, wisel,
1. Memanaskan badan dan kelonggaran.
2. Senaman ritma selama 5 minit
a. Lompat separa bintang
b. Lompat kuda laut (galop).
c. Lompat bintang.
d. Pergerakan serentak.
e. Gerakan 4 segi.
3. Gerak kendur
Impak :

Kelas / Masa / MP 4A /8.45-9.15 / PJK
Tajuk :Kecergasan Fizikal
Sub-Tajuk : Daya Tahan Kardiovaskular
Objektif :
• Melakukan sekurang-kurangnya 3 daripada 5 aktiviti daya tahan kardiovaskular dalam tempoh masa sekurang-kurangnya 4 minit dengan betul dan selamat.
• Menyatakan cara mengira kadar nadi sebelum dan selepas bersenam.
ABM : Skital, wisel,
  1. Memanaskan badan dan kelonggaran.
  2. Senaman ritma selama 5 minit
    a. Lompat separa bintang
    b. Lompat kuda laut (galop).
    c. Lompat bintang.
    d. Pergerakan serentak.
    e. Gerakan 4 segi.
  3. Gerak kendur


Kelas / Masa / MP :4E / 10.45-11.45 / SN
Theme :Investigating Living Things
Topic :1. Living Things Have Basic Needs
Learning Objectives: 1.1 Understanding that humans have basic needs
Learning Activities :

  1. Pupils view video that shows various footage related to the basic needs of humans i.e.
    a) a child/family taking drinks and a balanced diet,
    b) movement of the chest of a sleeping baby,
    c) different types of houses.
  2. Based on the video pupils discuss the basic needs of humans i.e. food, water,air and shelter.
  3. Pupils discuss that:
    a) humans need to eat/drink to help them grow and to stay healthy,
    b) humans need air to breathe,
    c) humans need to protect themselves from danger, sun and rain.
  4. Pupils discuss and explain what will happen to humans if there is no food, water, air and shelter.


Kelas / Masa / MP :4B / 11.45-12.45 / SN
Theme :Investigating Living Things
Topic :1. Living Things Have Basic Needs
Learning Objectives :1.1 Understanding that humans have basic needs
Learning Activities :

  1. Pupils view video that shows various footage related to the basic needs of humans i.e.
    a) a child/family taking drinks and a balanced diet,
    b) movement of the chest of a sleeping baby,
    c) different types of houses.
  2. Based on the video pupils discuss the basic needs of humans i.e. food, water,air and shelter.
  3. Pupils discuss that:
    a) humans need to eat/drink to help them grow and to stay healthy,
    b) humans need air to breathe,
    c) humans need to protect themselves from danger, sun and rain.
  4. Pupils discuss and explain what will happen to humans if there is no food, water, air and shelter.

Impact :

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