Saturday, June 11, 2011

ISNIN, 13 JUN 2011

Kelas : 4A / Masa: 7.45-8.15 /MP : PK
Tunjang: Kesihatan Diri dan Keluarga
Tajuk: Kesihatan Diri
Sub-Tajuk: Sistem Pencernaan
Objektif: Diakhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid akan dapat:
• Menamakan bahagian dan organ utama sistem pencernaan.
ABM: Gambar poster
1. Bersoal jawab tentang organ pencernaan berdasarkan gambar.
2. Melabel dan menamakan organ sistem pencernaan.

Kelas : 4E / Masa: 8.45-9.15 /MP : PK
Tunjang: Kesihatan Diri dan Keluarga
Tajuk: Kesihatan Diri
Sub-Tajuk: Sistem Pencernaan
Objektif: Diakhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid akan dapat:
• Menamakan bahagian dan organ utama sistem pencernaan.
ABM: Gambar poster
1. Bersoal jawab tentang organ pencernaan berdasarkan gambar.
2. Melabel dan menamakan organ sistem pencernaan.

Kelas : 6C / 9.15-10.15 / SN
Theme : Eclipses
Topic : The Vanishing Moon
Learning Objectives : At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:
• State what eclipse of the Moon is.
• State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the Moon.
• Explain why eclipse of the Moon occurs.
Learning Activities :
1) Ancient stories and beliefs about the eclipse of the Moon.
2) Observe the gradual changes of the darkening part of the Moon during the eclipse of the Moon.
3) Make inference why the Moon is disappearing during the eclipse of the Moon.
4) Describe the changes in position of the Moon and the Earth with time so as to establish their correct positions before the eclipse of Moon can take place.
Impact :

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