Sunday, January 16, 2011

16 JANUARI 2011 (AHAD)

Kelas / Masa / MP
4B / 8.15-9.15 / SN
Investigating Living Things
2. Living Things Undergo Life Processes
Learning Objectives
2.1 Analysing life processes in humans
- Human Breathe
Learning Activities
1. Pupils use their hands to feel the movement of their chests as they breathe.
2. Pupils discuss to conclude that the movement of the chest is due to breathing.
3. Pupils discuss that when they inhale they take in air and when they exhale they give out air.
4. Pupils gather information and discuss that:
a. inhaled air has more oxygen than exhaled air,
b. exhaled air has more carbon dioxyde than inhaled air.
5. Pupils observe model or view video of human body to see that the lung is a breathing organ for human and to identify the passage of air movement when human breathes.
6. Pupils just need to know the main organs involved in breathing i.e. nose, mouth, wind pipe and lungs.
7. The rate of breathing means the number of chest movements in a period of time.

Kelas / Masa / MP
4B / 10.45-11.15 / SN
Investigating Living Things
2. Living Things Undergo Life Processes
Learning Objectives
2.1 Analysing life processes in humans
- Human Breathe
Learning Activities
1. Pupils use their hands to feel the movement of their chests as they breathe.
2. Pupils discuss to conclude that the movement of the chest is due to breathing.
3. Pupils discuss that when they inhale they take in air and when they exhale they give out air.
4. Pupils gather information and discuss that:
a. inhaled air has more oxygen than exhaled air,
b. exhaled air has more carbon dioxyde than inhaled air.
5. Pupils observe model or view video of human body to see that the lung is a breathing organ for human and to identify the passage of air movement when human breathes.
6. Pupils just need to know the main organs involved in breathing i.e. nose, mouth, wind pipe and lungs.
7. The rate of breathing means the number of chest movements in a period of time.

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